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COAD | Garage Door | Residential overhead door


view : 1315

COAD Co., Ltd

Garage door


Do you want to improve the interior of building?

Install COAD garage door in your entrance of garage. 

The popular types of garage door are below.


1. Panel

The panel has diverse colors by powder coating to be harmonized with building. So, customers selec the color and design of panel and shape and number of window. COAD garage door is customzied by the preference of customers.

It is made by urethane panels to protect the vehicle from outside impact. Also, COAD directly produces and installs the residential garage door for specific space. So, garage door is completely fitted. Also, it is economics to improve the energy saving.


2. Wood

If customers want to get the exclusive garage door, they choose wood type. It is produced in various designs and natural beauty using red cedar. Garage door boats strong durability and provides the customzied door for the preference of customers. It is made in a nature-friendly manner to match the design of the builidng. 


3. Others-aluminum

This model is suitable for the location where it is hard to install the overhead door. This type is could be produced of diverse materials and colors. In case of the condition in space, customers select and request to produce it. The durability of the garage door is improved through the use of the material as highly quality.


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